Jane Elder Strategies
About Us: Introduction

I founded Jane Elder Strategies to help clients protect and sustain a vibrant and healthy environment.  After nearly 30 years in environmental policy, strategic communications, and program development, I wanted to use my experience to help organizations succeed in advancing positive social and environmental change.  Success comes from visionary thinking, smart planning, and strong execution.  I enjoy helping partners build stronger organizations and more effective strategies, from communications that really connect with target audiences to imaginative programs that expand the impact of the movement (read more about Jane).

Based in Madison, Wisconsin, I work directly with clients and also draw upon the expertise of a team of affiliated consultants.  This allows us to customize a team for the specific needs of clients and to scale-up staffing as projects require.  Our core services include: strategic communications development; organizational communications coaching; program planning and evaluation; research, writing, and editing; and strategic networking.

We've helped build communications strategies and tools on issues such as global warming, Great Lakes restoration, smart growth, fresh water, and parks protection.  We've written for audiences that include Congressional staff, policy wonks, and the media, as well as targeted public audiences.  We've helped coach nonprofit program staff, communications directors, and development directors to strengthen their skills and strategies.  We've pulled together thinkers from diverse fields to focus on fresh strategies for conservation in a rapidly changing world.  We're building a stronger voice for a sustainable and resilient Earth.